I tough about this lately, and I took the decision to stop writting on this blog. It was a really fun experience, though many aspects of it were really tedious. Writing in English on a regular basic was a real hindrance for me. I have the feeling that the quality of most of the posts are sub-par to what I can do because of this. The grammar and spelling mistakes make me ashamed of this blog. Many time, I wanted to point informants here, but I haven't done it because I didn't had the feeling that it was serious enough. Also, I had many great ideas that took too much time to translate properly, so I just skipped them.
Also, as a class blog, I tried (and failed!) to limit myself to content relevant to my project. I want to explore larger horizon, on a more open plateform. Therefore, I will soon start a new blog, in French, on a similar thematic, probably on Wordpress. I am just looking for a better name to continue. I will see this blog as a rite of passage into the cyberspace.
I will miss your small avatars' icons on the side of this blog, it was a good reminder that a least someone was reading. It was fun to share with you and to read about your project too. I can say that I have read the big majority of everyone's post and it was really interesting. I hope you will keep your blog alive.
Good luck in your future project!
Taurus Worst Traits
[image: Taurus worst traits]
Taurus worst traits
Negative personality traits They are very stubborn by nature. Being
hardworking helps them achieve things...
11 months ago
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